Growing Plants with Years 1 and 2
This term in Year 1/2, we are learning all about plants and how they grow in our Science lessons. So far, we have planted a runner bean seed and a gladioli bulb each and are giving them all the conditions we think they will need to grow the best, like soil, sunlight, water and warmth, In groups, we have also planted other seeds and bulbs but we have taken away one of the things we think they will need to grow to investigate which are the most important things that plants need to grow.
Check back to see how much our seeds and bulbs have grown each week!
4 weeks after planting...
In fact, our runner bean seeds have now grown so much that we had to plant them outside!!
3 weeks after planting...
2 weeks after planting...
In fact, our runner bean seeds have now grown so much that we had to plant them outside!!
3 weeks after planting...
2 weeks after planting...
1 week after planting...
We've also enjoyed planting some seeds in the flowerbed in front of the hall, and have been on walks around the college grounds and Sylvia's Garden looking for wild plants and different types of trees that grow in our local area!
Planting seeds in the school playground:
Looking for wild plants:
Looking at the different types of trees in the grounds:
Looking for garden plants:
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